International Safe Travel Tips For Solo Travellers


International safe travel tips for solo travellers, travelling abroad alone offers many advantages and many benefits. however, your well-being and safety are your priority.

What are the benefits of solo travel?

Travelling alone it’s cost-effective you can decide where you want to stay and eat. unlike if you travel with someone every time you have to make any decision you must consider your travel companion’s view.

What are the potential risks and challenges of solo travel?

If you are the lady you might be taken advantage of, seeing that you are travelling alone. Even man you might face the risk of being robbed and mugged by criminals.

5 Things to do before you travel

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Do your research about your destination thoroughly

To get as much information about your destination, these can range from weather, to what is allowed or not allowed to enter the country. A little bit about their laws on public places. Call your own country’s ambassador to explain some of the laws on how to conduct yourself as a tourist.

you can also check the country information site or go to the US security alert site: Travel State to check if there has not issued an alert warning about your destination country.

Make sure you have copies of important documents.

Make all copies or print out of your travel document, hotel booking confirmation, passport, and any other document. Put them in a separate bag where you will keep the original document in case you lose one bag.

Have someone you can update him/her about your itinerary

Inform a family member or friends about your travel itinerary, such as your departure date and time of arrival to your destination and your return date. You can send a message or call when you depart and arrive, keep them updated, they will be your guardian angel.

Make sure you purchase travel insurance

Purchase travel insurance, some countries require you to have travel insurance. however, in most countries, it is not mandatory. it is better to have than to be sorry.

It is crucial to purchase travel insurance before embarking on your journey. Travel insurance provides financial protection in case of unexpected events, such as trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost belongings.

Having comprehensive travel insurance ensures that you can travel with confidence, knowing you have coverage for unforeseen circumstances that may arise during your trip.

Learn basic phrases of the local language of your travel destination

Learn some basic phrases like greetings, how to ask directions and to be able to inform that you are not fluent in their native language. Like Nelson Mandela once said: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.”

During your trip

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Be aware of your surroundings

Always be on alert and if you see something that makes you feel uneasy or uncomfortable or suspicious if there is someone in charge of that place, inform him/her or contact the police or inform the security guard in that place or leave the place immediately.

Trust your instincts

Always trust your instincts they are always right instincts. Adapt quickly to the changes in your environment and make a quick decision.

Trusting your instincts is vital while travelling. If something feels off or unsafe, listen to your intuition and take necessary precautions. Whether it’s choosing not to visit a certain area, avoiding suspicious situations, or seeking help when needed, your instincts can guide you to make safer decisions during your journey.

Dress appropriately

Always make you are dressed for the occasion, for example when you go hiking dress in clothes that can easily stretch and non-slippery footwear that is meant for hiking. and sometimes your dress code can reveal a lot about your financial status. Jewellery can be one of those things that attract criminals.

Keep a low profile

Keeping a low profile while travelling is a wise safety measure. Don’t talk too much about yourself no matter how friendly the people are. Don’t reveal everything about yourself. A little bit of information about you won’t harm you but too much information can.

Avoid drawing unnecessary attention to yourself by dressing modestly and blending in with the locals. Minimize public displays of valuable items and be discreet with expensive gadgets. Staying low-key helps reduce the risk of becoming a target for theft or scams, ensuring a more secure and enjoyable travel experience.

Stay in well-lit, busy areas

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At night make you are in well-lit areas, especially in restaurants and bars and don’t go to dark places where there are few people.

Keep your belongings close to you

When travelling Keep your belonging close to you where you can always see them or hold them. And buy a small sticker and put it on your bag so that you can quickly identify your bag in the case where there are many bags similar to yours.

If or bag gets stolen it will be easy to identify. Believe me, sometimes is very difficult to identify your own bag when there many bags that look like exactly yours.

Don’t accept rides from strangers

Always tried to use tour guide transport or public transport like Uber, trains and buses. Don’t catch a ride from strangers. No matter how friendly they can look to you.

It is essential not to accept rides from strangers while travelling. Stick to licensed taxis, rideshare services, or reputable transportation options. Accepting rides from unknown individuals can pose significant safety risks, so it’s best to prioritize your well-being and use trusted and reliable transportation methods.

Know the emergency Phone number for your destination

Have the emergency number of your destination temporarily saved on your phone or write it somewhere where you easily reach them.

Handling your electronic gadget

Always make sure your electronics are fully charged when you leave your hotel. Always keep your phone and any gadget safe when you are outdoors or busy touring.

When handling your electronic gadgets while travelling, take necessary precautions to ensure their safety. Keep them in a secure bag or backpack when not in use, and avoid displaying them in crowded or risky areas.

Be cautious when using them in public, especially in unfamiliar surroundings, to minimize the risk of theft or accidents.

Staying safe in your accommodation

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Research the safety reputation of your accommodation

Check the reviews of your accommodation to see what others a saying about the place. Call them before arriving to get a feel of their customer service. Go to the website but don’t believe any see on their website if there is a way that information on their website does so.

Use the hotel safe to store your valuables

Make sure you put your important belonging like your travel document and jewellery in the same before your sleep and you can leave pieces of jewellery during the day. And make that the safe can lock properly. But always remember the lock combination that you have set on the safe. 

Utilize the hotel safe to store your valuables while travelling. Keep your passport, extra cash, jewellery, and important documents secured in the safe whenever you leave your room. This precaution can significantly reduce the risk of theft and provide peace of mind during your stay.

Don’t advertise that you are travelling alone

Don’t tell the people that you are travelling alone not even the Uber driver and hotel staff. the fewer people know about you, the safer you are.

Avoid advertising that you are travelling alone to enhance your safety while abroad. Refrain from sharing detailed travel plans or personal information with strangers.

Be cautious about disclosing your solo traveller status in public spaces or on social media, as it can minimize the risk of becoming a target for potential threats or unwanted attention during your journey.                                                                                    

Dealing with emergencies

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Have a plan in case of an emergency

Having a plan in case of an emergency is crucial while travelling. Before your trip, research emergency contact numbers and local healthcare facilities in your destination.

Inform a trusted friend or family member about your itinerary and stay connected with them throughout your journey.

Carry essential documents, travel insurance information, and a list of emergency contacts to ensure you can respond quickly and efficiently if any unforeseen situations arise.

Know how to contact your embassy or consulate

Have your embassy or consulate contact number and the name of your ambassador. If you can visit your local embassy on your arrival this can help you to connect with the embassy staff.

Knowing how to contact your embassy or consulate while travelling abroad is crucial for your safety and support. Before your trip, note down the contact information, including the address, phone number, and email of your country’s embassy or consulate in the destination country.

In case of emergencies, such as lost passports or legal issues, reaching out to your embassy or consulate can provide valuable assistance and guidance during your time abroad.

Have access to emergency funds

Put aside some funds that you can only use in case of emergency. It must be easily accessible internationally on the separate account that you use on a daily basis.

Having access to emergency funds is essential while travelling. Consider carrying a backup credit card, a small amount of cash in the local currency, or a traveller’s check in a secure location separate from your primary funds.

In case of unexpected situations like lost cards or unforeseen expenses, having access to emergency funds ensures you can navigate challenges with greater ease and peace of mind during your trip.

Final note: On international safe travel tips for solo travellers

Solo travel can be safe and rewarding with proper planning and precautions on everything that has been done properly and executed according to the plan. You’ll forever want to travel more and more alone. the mentioned safety travel tips can only help if you adhere to them.

Is it safe to travel alone internationally?

Yes, travelling alone internationally can be safe with proper preparation and caution. Conduct thorough research on your destination, understand local customs and laws, and prioritize staying in safe accommodations. Trust your instincts, stay connected with loved ones, and be aware of your surroundings to ensure a secure and rewarding solo travel experience.

What should you do to keep yourself safe while travelling to foreign countries?

Conduct thorough research on your destination to understand local customs, laws, and potential risks. Opt for safe accommodations in well-populated areas and keep your valuables secure. Trust your instincts, stay aware of your surroundings, and maintain communication with family and friends back home to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Which countries are safe for solo Travellers?

Iceland, Japan, Switzerland, New Zealand, Canada, and Norway. These countries are known for their low crime rates, friendly locals, efficient transportation systems, and welcoming environments, making them ideal choices for solo adventurers. However, it’s still essential to exercise caution and stay informed about local conditions regardless of the destination.

How do I plan my first solo trip abroad?

Start by selecting a destination that aligns with your interests and comfort level. Research extensively about the country’s culture, safety, and necessary travel documents. Create a detailed itinerary, book accommodations in safe areas, and inform family and friends about your travel plans. Additionally, pack smartly, ensure you have travel insurance, and stay open to new experiences while prioritizing your safety throughout the journey.

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