10 Essential Safety Tips for Solo Female Travellers


10 Essential safety tips for solo female travellers, 1. Research your destination 2. Share your itinerary 3. Choose safe accommodation 4. Blend in with the locals 5. Stay vigilant with your belongings 6. Trust your instincts….

I have come across incredible individuals solo travellers both male and female. My travelling experiences have made me understand the safety concerns for both solo male and female travellers hence I decided to document these essential safety tips for female solo travellers.

 One can ask, why essential safety tips for solo female travellers not for male travellers. Well, the answer is female travellers are the most vulnerable and are seen to be easy targets by criminals. 

And besides that, According to the condorferries website, 64% of travellers worldwide are female, while only 36% are male. Travelling solo as a female can be an even more rewarding,   life-changing experience and empowering to you.

However, it’s important to prioritise your well-being and safety while exploring the world on your own. By taking a few precautions and following some key safety tips, you can enjoy your solo adventures with confidence and peace of mind. 

In this blog post, I will share 10 essential safety tips for solo female travellers that will help you make the most of your trip and stay safe.

Research your destination

It is not only advisable but it is an essential safety tip for solo travellers to conduct thorough research about your destination. Before you embark on your solo tripthis will help to a safe journey to your destination.

You can contact your country ambassador to your destination country and ask questions that will help you to familiarise yourself with the local culture, customs, and any specific safety considerations.

And understanding of the current political situation, local laws, and potential risks to make informed decisions. you can also check this US Advisory travel site.

Share your itinerary

Inform a trusted friend or family member about your travel plans. Share your itinerary, including accommodation details and contact information. Regularly update them about your whereabouts to ensure someone knows your location at all times. You can even use Facebook to check the status of every destination arrival by so doing you’ll be leaving more easily traceable information. Believe me, this might come in very handy when something can happen to you.

Choose safe accommodation

Cheap Accommodation

In order to sleep tight at night, Opt for reputable and secure accommodation options. 

Check guest reviews before booking the accommodation, check the safety measures in place, and choose accommodations located in safe neighbourhoods. 

If want to stay in cheap affordable accommodation like backpackers. Consider staying in female-only dorms or women-friendly accommodations for an added sense of security.

blend in with the locals

Blend in with the locals

While it’s exciting to explore new cultures, it’s also important to blend in with the local environment to avoid drawing unnecessary attention. 

Find someone local who can guide you on their local customs and tradition. In that way, it will be easier to blend in with the locals.

Study how the locals dress up and wear similarly to them or dress modestly and respectfully, following the local customs and traditions. Observe how locals behave and adapt your behaviour accordingly.

Stay vigilant with your belongings

My advice on this safety tip is always to keep a close eye on your belongings, especially in crowded places and on public transport. 

Use a secure, anti-theft bag or backpack and avoid carrying valuables that might attract unwanted attention. Stay alert and be aware of your surroundings and avoid displaying signs of wealth.

Trust your instincts

Your instinct is one of our God-given most powerful safety tools that we possess as human beings. Trust your gut feelings and instincts when it comes to people, places, and situations. 

If something doesn’t feel right, remove yourself from the situation and seek assistance or a safer location.

Plan your transportation

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My safety tip on transportation while travelling solo is to plan your transportation in advance. You can ask the people where you are staying about safe and reliable transportation options, such as taxis, and buses operating in that area and also check the Uber app if their service is available in that city. 

Avoid hitchhiking or accepting rides from strangers. Share your travel plans with someone so that they know when and where you should arrive at your destination.

Stay connected

This is very important to make sure you are reachable all the time and you can also reach someone for help. Ensure you have a reliable means of communication throughout your journey. 

Carry a fully charged mobile phone, invest in a portable charger, and keep important contact numbers saved. 

Consider buying a local SIM card or activating an international roaming plan to stay connected in case of emergencies.

Avoid sharing too much on social media

Avoid sharing your location real-time. This may sound like I’m contradicting myself as on the itinerary safety tip I mention that you must use Facebook to check in to the location. 

But now I’m telling you not to share your location, but there is a difference between Status checking on Facebook and sharing location in real-time.  Real-time I mean like Facebook Live.

So while sharing your travel experiences on social media avoid posting real-time updates of your exact location. Which is Facebook Live, Wait until you have moved on from a particular place before sharing your experiences to maintain a level of privacy and security.

Learn self-defence techniques

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Consider taking a self-defence class or learning simple techniques to protect yourself if faced with a threatening situation. 

You don’t have to be Jakie Chang but having basic self-defence knowledge can boost your confidence and help you feel more secure. Remember, prevention and awareness are key to safety and it’s good to be prepared. 

To avoid finding yourself in a situation where you can even protect yourself and feel helpless. 

A final note on essential safety tips for solo female travellers

Travelling alone especially as a solo female travel can be an incredible adventure filled with personal growth and memorable experiences. 

By implementing these essential safety tips, you can drastically reduce the risks and enhance your overall travel experience. Remember to trust yourself, be aware of your surroundings, and prioritize your well-being at all times. 

Embrace the freedom of solo travel while staying safe and enjoying every moment of your journey. There is nothing more fulfilling than to challenge yourself and conquer your fears.

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